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Update on Stolen Valor Law

NOTICE: and the team of individuals presented herein, are in NO WAY affiliated with any other site researching military frauds or fakes. We are NOT on Facebook, we are NOT on Twitter, we do not have a blog nor do we confer with any authorities other than Military Personnel Center and the Veterans Administration.

Please note, we are NOT LAW ENFORCEMENT and cannot perform any functions of law enforcement. If you suspect a person of a crime, please contact your local police.

Please do NOT send us links from Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest, etc. There is nothing we can do. See our page: How to Request Military Records for all the information you need about the person in order to request military records.

It takes the heart of a Warrior to find deception and take it down

It starts off simple enough. A casual mention of military service. And, oh by the way, a Purple Heart and a few other honors earned. How can you not trust a man who served his country so gallantly?
From there, confidence builds, one story weaves into even more glorious tales until, at some point, the fabrication is woven so tightly you begin to suspect...
How can one person achieve so much in such a short time? It's almost too good to be true.

Meet the Stolen Valor Team!
Stolen Valor images of military service FOIA
The soldier in the image above works in honorable service to our country at the Pentagon. He posed for this photo and gave consent to use his image.
Winner of the William E. Colby Award for Outstanding Military book!
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© 2023 Stolen Valor
Last updated: 05/01/2019